Sunday 4 August 2013

The Next Doctor Announced

After all the speculation the time has finally arrived and moments ago on BBC One in the UK and simulcast in the USA on BBC America, Space in Canada and in Australia on ABC 1, The Next Doctor was announced.

When Matt Smith bows out at Christmas Peter Capaldi will take over the TARDIS as the Twelfth Doctor.

For those who may be unfamiliar with Peter he may be best known to British TV Viewers as being Randall Brown in The Hour or Malcom Tucker in The Thick of It.   To Doctor Who fans he will be known as playing Caecilius in The Fires of Pompeii during David Tennant's third series.  He also appeared as John Frobisher in the Torchwood: Children of Earth serial. 

Obviously not all fans will be pleased with the choice and I hope those who have threatened to boycott the show if someone they did not approve of got the role, do not boycott it.

I will give him a chance as I have with every other Doctor.  Aside from Peter Davison and now Peter Capaldi, I had not heard of any Doctors before they were cast (of those cast in my lifetime) Davison coincidentally being the first and I knew him as the guy I liked on All Creatures Great and Small.

I know there will be (as always) people wondering how long he will stay.  The question that will need answering, either during Capaldi's reign or when the Thirteenth Doctor is cast, is will these be the final two incarnations of The Doctor.  I am sure there are many ways the production team can get around the twelve regenerations/thirteen live's situation.  However I guess that is a question for another time.

In the meantime on behalf of everyone at The Doctor Who Bar I would like to welcome Peter Capaldi to Doctor Who as The Twelfth Doctor.


  1. I have to say I wasn’t pleased with the decision, but I'm willing to give him a chance. I wasn't too happy when David left too and then after a few episodes I found Matt had something to offer. I hope Peter all the best and want him to be an awesome Doctor!

  2. When I heard he was the bookies favourite I was unsure.

    Then yesterday a few hours before the announcement I wrote the article with Peter Capaldi's name and all the details about him in it. By the time I had written it I found myself quite excited by him being The Doctor.

    Possibly part of it was a thought of now I have written and saved a draft with his details I hope its him or I have some rewriting to do. It was him so all I had to was click publish on the draft and as the time stamp shows we had it up seconds after he was announced.

    I cannot believe the people that are threatening to not watch it because he is not a young piece of eye candy.

    Seriously the show is more than being able to fancy The Doctor or for there to be a potential Doctor and Companion romance.

    I also was unsure on Matt and whilst I still prefer David I am sad Matt is going. I think Peter will do a great job. I hope any promotional shots do not show a costume as I want that to be a surprise.
